Zephyr Air Transport's fleet of continuous merchant dirigibles is continually scouring the many earths, connecting outposts and communities far and wide. Jobs are picked up "on the fly" by ships in your area, and may pick up whatever additional work they're able to drum up on their own. Each ship in our fleet is owner-operated, working under the auspices and supplementary logistical infrastructdure of Zephyr Air Transport Inc.
If you're on a crew, feel free to post to your ship's logs at any time! Zephyr Air Transport believes strongly in transparency.

ol' big balloon 3/7/2025 9:03pm
Herbert Alamak
I'll be glad to finally get off this ball of chocolate dust. And that Bloomspice boy is lucky to have made it already. I guess if there's going to be a day for it, it might as well be today. And guess I don't care who else gets caught up in it. I warned 'em all to keep their distance, but really I think I'll be doin' 'em all a favor......(READ MORE)
SS Evergreen 3/5/2025 9:57pm
First, it's the harvesting of the elder worms. The worms treat their elders with great respect, setting aside the easiest earth for them to churn in their twilight years. The younger worms spend time churning this soil themselves, and creating areas where the elder worms can find the greatest ease. Recreation areas for them to lounge in and be served meals, televisions with The Price is Right and Let's Make a Deal and soaps. They have individual rooms for living out their final days, with beds...(READ MORE)
Razorcrest 3/3/2025 9:40pm
turns out spider wasp metal + disco disco brite my lite is the heaviest super trance anybody's ever seen ever omg! we are packing in the spider wasps thorax to thorax with hymenoptera's name recognition and nik and rik and chik's new soft it's the biggest pompilidae phenom since the cambrian fest era. but even with all the gooey gooey accolades and press coverage it's too bad there isn't anything we can take away but rotting spider flesh and hypertoxins. even @Biran's finally getting the heebie...(READ MORE)
Zap Colonize Epilog 3/1/2025 11:53pm
Sister Elm
Day 33, tracking Tara and the Shizen Baton. "How are these Muckmen different, Little Sister Oak?" I asked. "They speak our tongue, Sister Elm. A poor version of it to be sure." "And what caused you to deviate our course to find them, Little Sister Oak?" I aksed. "It was their mudflute. It was calling." "You are a connoisseur of mudflute, Little Sister Oak?" I asked. "Did you not make one when you were young?" Little...(READ MORE)
The Sadie Hawkins 2/27/2025 10:55pm
Starry Skye
And there it was. The tiny box, all tied up with string and in very clear handwriting in black pen: THE SADIE HAWKINS. The box that contained the Hettie's chrysalis. "My friends asked me to acquire it for them. They're collectors." "They're poachers," I said. "When did you become an animal rights advocate?" "When did you become so ruthless?" I answered. "Excuse me, do we even know each other?" Cat asked. Though I was from...(READ MORE)
Steampunk to hell 2/25/2025 10:25pm
Luz Dunkel
"This isn't the Steampunk to Hell?" I asked. It was the only airship I knew the name of. "Oh my goodness," replied the captain. "This grand ship? I'd be offended if I felt you knew any better." Then she gave me a wink. She was quite the airship captain, sprawled in her captain's chair in her cape and goggles and tall leather boots. "The Shaken Mullet Top, at your service," she stood up and bowed gracefully. "And you can call me Rose."...(READ MORE)
Matte Kudasai 2/23/2025 10:58pm
Billy Sabab
"I feel like it really should be me," I said. "No way," said Shimpan Eva. "This is classic red shirt material." "What?" I asked. "Ensign Marvelous?" Eva asked through the speaking tube. "Is your team ready to repel boarders?" "Aye aye 'mam!" Ensign Marvelous called back. "Through the hatch now, Ensign!" "Aye aaaiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee oh my god oh my god oh my god!" "What's going on...(READ MORE)
The Sightline 2/21/2025 11:03pm
Rigs Drench
If you wanted to buy four dimensional office supplies in the 2070s, you had to order it, and wait, and wait, and wait until somebody opened the box and found out if they were in there or not. Up until that moment they were both in there and not in there, until they were observed. I realized that businesses had a need for four dimensional office supplies that I could fulfill, if I had merchandise that had been observed by observers and was proven to be in the boxes. A brilliant idea was born. So...(READ MORE)
agro 2/19/2025 1:25pm
Mandy Maple
I was always sweet on that Sour Pineapple. He might come off a bit moody at first, but he's got a heat of gold. Which makes it even harder to have to pull this on him. Why did he have to end up at the 8063? Now, of all times....(READ MORE)
No Questions Asked 2/17/2025 10:30pm
S. Glenn
"John?" Becky said. That was my alias back then. What were the odds? It's a big OLS, but an even bigger galaxy. And it was a long ways from here. Becky stared at me for a long time. Then she took a swing at me. "You bastard! I will never, ever forgive you!" She got on the vacuum train I'd just stepped out of. The doors whooshed shut and she was off....(READ MORE)
base 1 2/15/2025 11:56pm
Ms. Krause
"Oh no, I'm sorry," I say. "I'm afraid we can't do anything with that." "You mean... it's ruined?" "Yes. There's no taking that stain out. You're better off just finding a new jacket," I say. The customer leaves. A little put out. It was an obvious plant. We're not here to be taken advantage like that. "Mom?! Dad?!" I holler. "It was another one of THOSE. How do we keep getting them? I think somebody's trying to hack us."...(READ MORE)
The Hartlepool 2/13/2025 11:57pm
Gray Jenni Fields
I just hit 100k followers with my Cybernetic War Monkey videos! Thanks so much to everybody for all the likes and shares. But sometimes I worry people are following me for the wrong reasons. Like, for instance, when it's a cybernetic war monkey attack on a bank or a convoy of banana trucks, those get like 10x more likes and shares. Especially if they're using their laser guided flechettes or some other fancy weaponry. On the other hand, when I do a "price of war" video, or inter...(READ MORE)
Stratospheric Aerodrome Renoire 2/11/2025 11:44pm
Zephyr Ambulance LTD
The Harbormaster's office had a commanding view of the massive dirigible bay. Not as impressive as from the control tower, but gave you a comprehensive look at the fleet of airships docked at any given time. But the bay was empty. We shuffled through the Harbormaster's desk, looking for last minute logs, dictaphone cassettes, patient records on clipboards. Any record of what might have happened. The walls of the office were decorated with ship's wheels and antique surgical equipment. And it s...(READ MORE)
Zeppelin Zoologica 2/9/2025 11:43pm
DIDEL: Are you getting visuals, Grinni? GRINNI: Loud and clear, Captain. Looks like quite a spread. You just keep those groovy Lennon glasses on your snout and I can see everything that you can. MARMIE: Hush, they're coming. DOOR opens and a tall RABBIT in a bathrobe and slippers, drink in one hand a cigarette in the other sways behind it. RABBIT calls back into the party, giggling: Anybody invite a pair of Possums? DIDEL: Hey, man, how's it hangin? We're just a couple of talent s...(READ MORE)
Spatuloso 2/7/2025 11:42pm
Soap Lotus
With @Carolinaeuphrosyne chatting up @Nim Blanksy, I thought @Lasso Pout and I might have a moment to make our exit. I dropped my mooring ropes and gave ol' Lasso a wink. "I can't leave my cowpokes," Lasso whispered back. "Or those time travelers!" Leroy, Burt, Scarred Lil, Jimmy the Put Up, Little Gnarls, and PJ, were in it too. Though the residents of Paradise--all armed and guns drawn--might be distracted for a moment, blimps like us can't exactly zoom off at high ac...(READ MORE)
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