Grimble Grumble

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5/26/2021 11:29pm

Oh, the Age of Giants. Were we ever giants? By your reckoning? Well of course we were! Because it was your very "reckoning" that defined everything you didn't like and diminished it.

The thing is, "big" and "small" were not so set before you came along. I might be the biggest sprig on this leg of the Island of Brerrysoul today and tiny as a hollyhock weevil tomorrow. Back in those days, anyway.

Size was fluid. Meaning was fluid. We lived for centuries, and millennia! Because time and death and life were fluid.

You and your kind changed all that.

For now at least.

But let me tell you about the time before.

3/1/2021 11:40pm

Oh god who is it now.

I should have bought the remote for the Spy Eye. Otherwise I wouldn't have to trudge through all these halls to get back to the door and see what kind of uninvited nibnab is banging at this time of night. And in the middle of winter when I can be a bit bleary eyed at that.

It's probably one of those door to door religious salesmen, with their civilization and culture and history in song and dance and videos and magazines. Not that I've got anything to play it on.

Oh lord it is one of them. The fish eye on the Spy Eye makes him look like a ferret when he looks it in the eye.

I'll just pretend I'm not home. Or asleep. These doors are thick enough he has no idea what's happening on this side.

No idea at all.

Yes, I'll just leave him at the doorstep, and trod back down these endless halls, into the depths... into my house...

7/27/2020 8:35pm

Any sign of my mushrooms in there, @Vulpes V. Vulpes? I ordered 6 different types of mushrooms. c/o the Forbidden Tree.

I came up from my home, eating, sleeping, drinking my wine. But it was summer and time for mushrooms! So I placed my order with KITForestGarden Co. expecting "free" and "next day" and "contactless curbside pickup" and assuming everything to go smoothly.

So I put on my scarlet tunic, a blue green hood, it looked quite good, and had a big adventure, amidst the grass, fresh air at last, but can't find my mushrooms anywhere.

I contacted KITForestGarden Co. about my order but they transferred me to Zephyr Air Transport, who transferred me to you, @Sheila Thortson. Can you tell me when I can expect to receive my deliveries? Without enlisting all of the denizens of the forest wood?