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5/27/2022 8:45am

I left the Razorcrest for a few days, okay, weeks, and animals have gotten into the rations! Unbelievabe. I mean, sure. Maybe hiring a clone with ADHD for security wasn't my best idea, but it's still bad news. I'm going to do a sweep of the ship before my next job. If i'm lucky, maybe nothing else will have been damaged. Right after I put the clone on hauling duty.

3/10/2022 12:07pm

Op. #002

Captain's Log:
I've never liked bees. The feeling is mutual. They hate me too. I reluctantly accepted this job, but money is money. The second I arrive at the loading zone, I have to dodge between dancing bee people. After I got the shipment loaded up, I politely declined the offer to join the dance. I did hire two new crew members, Fred and Zane. I never thought I would like bees, but these guys are great! I might have made some new friends.

Signing off,
-Capt. Biran

1/4/2022 5:21pm

Razorcrest accepts the job posted by Phil Techno.

An incident occured on day 2 in the westsouth circuit. Biran forgot to put on an earmask, and remained unconsous for 1 hour.