earliest post first | most recent post firstFrem Trevor Seven 4/11/2022 9:16pm
I've built a scale model of the Albion and enchanted (to the best of my ability) all of the parts with a corresponding resonance to what they represent. For instance, for the balloon of the ship I used the pages of my Zephyr Air Transport contact, coated with a nonflammable shellac of my own recipe.
For the crew area, engine rooms, etc, I consulted the blueprints of the Albion (on public record when invoked in the jurisdiction of Melm) and carved the pieces from appropriate materials as mahogany, rosewood, oak, or smelted aluminium or shaped copper or brass as necessary.
Finally, there were plenty of spare parts in the scaps bucket here to put together dolls of a reasonable facsimile and provenance.
Now that it's finally assembled, I will begin the incantations, and in T-72 hours we should be dialed right in to what's happening on board.
Let's watch together, shall we?
Frem Trevor Seven, Assistant Clone Proprietor
Ancient and Unusual Scraps LLC
Frem Trevor Seven 2/3/2022 11:59pm
I fear the worst for the Albion, and its captain @Emile Valentine. No doubt the haunted doll parts have driven them mad, and the Albion is now a ghost ship, one-eyed dolls with their hair half cut staring through the portals, phantom libs rolling across the decks.
I hear them crying at night.
Will I never find release?
Frem Trevor Seven, Assistant Clone Proprietor
Ancient and Unusual Scraps LLC
Frem Trevor Seven 12/11/2021 7:20pm
Even at this great distance, the haunted doll parts speak to me. Their voices call from coffee cups and ashtrays and broken toys when I least expect it.
They tell me about their dreams. They dream of scratching backs and sharing beds. They dream of being loved. They dream of contentment and fulfillment.
Obviously they have not yet made their way to Silver Witch, Inc., 7797 THE MOORS to be dis-integrated. They have not performed the necessary exorcisms and absolutions.
I ask the captain of the Albion, @Emile Valentine, when this delivery will be completed and to deliver me from this madness.
Frem Trevor Seven, Assistant Clone Proprietor
Ancient and Unusual Scraps LLC
Frem Trevor Seven 10/18/2021 10:53pm
Soft weeping
Wolf howl
Chugga chugga
London Bridge is Falling Down
Garage Door
Atomic Bomb
Frem Trevor Seven, Assistant Clone Proprietor
Emile Valentine 9/3/2021 8:38pm
Emile Valentine here! I must say that the doll parts are quite useful! After their demands, I decided to listen to them and attempt to use one of their arms as a backscratcher.
The Back scratcher arm was Damn good I must say! The crew is giving me looks of course when I go down to sleep next to the parts, saying that me waking up cradling the cracked head of an old china dolls is "Real weird" Or, "frightening" But I say Phooey to those responses! I know they are just Jealous the pieces of the doll only talk to me!
Emile Valentine 9/3/2021 3:15am
A-HA! Captain Emile Valentine Returns, I know my crew is eager to return, considering that they have kept the ship Spic And Span and running with no need for me to return after my long stint in an ice-box running for the very edge of the world itself! several years between this world and the world beyond, and I return no worse for wear... aside from the screaming in my head, and the desire to rip out my own eyeballs, but haha! What captain would reject the chance to get an eyepatch or two 'eh?
Anyways, this container of doll parts does not scare me none! In fact... I must say that They give quite a.. calming influence.
Training Personality 7/21/2021 4:40pm
So, the first thing you're probably asking is "How can I see? How can I even breathe? What even is this place???!!"
Ok take a breath, you're kind of seizing up. Ah, there... just breathe.
Number one rule: don't worry about the details. There are METAPHORICAL ANALOGS that you'll get used to soon enough. Like, notice how you can see behind me, and inside of me, all at the same time? But it's not weird, right?
It's not weird, RIGHT?
This animated cartoon we're prepared will help:
You've made shadow puppets, right?
(two dimensional images of shadow bunnies and doves appear on a wall)
They look like what they are, but when you look at the hands...
(camera pulls back to show a pair of gnarled, clawed, webbed fingers)
Well they look very different, don't they?
Now, let's play with a cat on the bed.
(a large black cat lounges on a sheet)
Let's tease it!
(a finger moves beneath the sheet)
First I'm here...
(the cat paws at the finger)
Then I'm here!
(the finger suddenly pokes up in a different place, and the cat attacks)
(fingers suddenly poke up all around the cat, which scares it and it leaps away)
If we look under the sheet...
(the sheet is pulled away, revealing a large, starfish shaped creature with one large eye and a gaping fanged mouth)
Just like the hands that make the shadow puppets, this little rascal looks very different from what it appeared to be as well!
So, while the world you formerly perceived appeared in a certain way, it was merely an inadequate and distorted perception of a higher reality. A TEN DIMENSIONAL reality! Which is where you are now. There is absolutely no higher reality than this one, because we can perfectly explain everything, including--
training personality 5/3/2021 9:36pm
bigger in ten dimensions!
See? I told you you'd get the hang of it.
Don't be afraid. You're certainly not the first lower dimensional life-form to enter our dimension this way. And we're getting better at it all the time! Just relax, and this short training course will psycho-subliminally stimulate the appropriate modification sequences in your host vessel while teaching you interesting and important facts about living in ten dimensions.
And just to make things easy, we'll call your host vessel THE ALBION. How about that?
Now sit back, and enjoy the ride.
Frem Trevor Nine - 9/3/2021 3:13am
Job claimed by Emile Valentine 2021-09-03 03:13:39
Ancient and Unusual Scraps LLC
We have seven crates of haunted doll parts, and frankly we can no longer handle them. The chills. The nightmares.
Please take these off our hands and deliver them to the Silver Witch, Inc., 7797 THE MOORS. Silver Witch Inc. has agreed to perform the necessary exorcisms and absolutions -- we just need someone to get these crates there. And good lord there's no way it can be us. We can't even bear to be in the same room with them any more.
Please, please, please remove this crates for our sight before the entire staff at Ancient and Unusual Scraps LLC goes mad!
Find us in the third aggrandisement, Old Habitsform, suite 676b.
Frem Trevor Nine, Clone Proprietor
Yitzi Kashmee 4/22/2021 10:45pm
Welcome to the Wiggly Toe Waiting Room. No need to worry. Things will seem a bit strange while you acclimate. It's like having your whole body turned inside out. Your eyes will start working eventually, after they learn to see in 10 dimensions. Here, have a cold bottle of Ershlatz. I'm putting it in your hands now. I'm closing your fingers around it. Ha ha yes those are your fingers. But don't try -- no! -- ah you've poured it into your ear. No worries. You just sit tight and take it easy for awhile.
What? Giant worms wriggling behind me? Ah, no, that's just, well, one thing at a time. We'll need you to sign some forms. Set the bottle down here... oh whoops! No no it's fine, we'll clean it up later. No the papers are fine, totally dry. Now, here's a pen... feel that? Ok, just put your, uh, mark here. Just any scribble will do. Can't really expect you to figure out cursive at this level. Ah, great. Perfect.
Now you just lean back. Try to just relax your body all over. Yes.... you're doing great. Now, we've got kind of a helmet contraption that should help you retrain your senses. And there's a bit of explanation too. Ok, I'm slipping it over your head now. In a moment you'll start to see and hear a liminal training tape. Just relax, and let it flow into you. Don't resist it. Yes, any minute now...