Ace Boeman

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The Redmane
2/17/2022 8:00am

We finished dumping the haunted furniture in the Bermuda Triangle. Now we have to head to Jolly Ol’ England to some old kooks house. I don’t exactly know where to find the containment unit, but I’m sure the guy will have one. I caught MM drunk in the navigators chair so now he’s cleaning the latrine. I hope this job isn’t too confusing, I’ve never even heard of a Watoobian reindeer, I guess it’s cause they’re so rare. We’re approaching English airspace so I better get to the cockpit and take her down.
Signing off

The Redmane
2/17/2022 6:30am

Accepted my second job. This one sounds a little weird and…eccentric. We’ll see. More details to follow -Ace

The Redmane
2/16/2022 7:35am

Just got recruited by Captain Ace Boeman as a crew member for The Redmane. I don’t quite know what being a crew member involves, I was in a pub when Ace came in and asked if I wanted work. I guess I was too drunk to say no. We’re delivering something to somewhere. I have to go maintain the upkeep of the Grade 7 whatchamacallit. Signing off…-MM

The Redmane
2/16/2022 6:55am

Just accepted my first job. It’ll be hard handling all this dangerous cargo without a crew, but I guess it’s all part of the fun. I’ll be on the lookout for some crew on my travels. -Ace