Minecraft is the best

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Clive Gimlet 8/16/2020 11:20pm

Ah, sorry. That one was the tape I used to record Mermaid Imperium. Boy I loved that show. I’d make sure the VCR was set to record it every episode even if I was traveling for work in another reality. I even have an old @SLYR t-shirt around here somewhere.

Clive Gimlet 7/8/2020 11:34pm

Course I got tapes of most everything. Sometimes I put them on the Magnalobe here in my classic 1986 Winneblimpo, moored outside of another nameless Walmart in the endless desert. Hmmm what's on this one I wonder?

Clive Gimlet 5/24/2020 9:55pm

Reality generators? Did somebody say reality generators? Well that brings me back let me tell you. I was the number one producer for four years running in the the Northern Presence, Sector B Subcluster. I moved so many reality generators I couldn’t remember which world I was really from. A wife here, a girlfriend there, putting a kid through college there. I squirreled enough money away through offshore accounts — and I mean VERY offshore if you know what I mean — to have a comfortable retirement. I mean, you gotta make it stretch, but I like living on the road, honestly. I’ve got a dependable little airship, and if it means I find myself moored in Walmart parking lots for the free electricity now and then that’s just fine with me. Just fine.

Roberto Shelton 4/16/2020 11:00pm

Yes, uh... calling Captain Billy Grave. Come in! Come in! (Is thing on? What? Right now? Oh, ok.)

Dear Captain Grave,

So far, none of our clients (in Faulkton, Henderson, Wuppertal, Miyazaki, Lyubertsy, Aastaurmond, Chauxhall, and Pastoria City) have reported receipt for the spare parts for their Reality Generators. Reality isn't going to generate itself, you know! And it's possible that this lack of spare parts may have resulted in the recent Reality Accident!

Please inform us of your progress, as it is vitally important these parts arrive at their required destinations.


R. Shelton, Proprietor

Billy grave 3/9/2020 10:40am

We've got another load of spare parts for the Reality Generators in Faulkton, Henderson, Wuppertal, Miyazaki, Lyubertsy, Aastaurmond, Chauxhall, and Pastoria City. Because of the nature of these parts, the actual manifest of delivered items may vary through time, as will the existence of the cities themselves. Ship and Captain must be adept at navigating the edges and holes in maps. Please post resume to this site when claiming job. Our warehouse currently located in Flimsdale, Newark, Metherwaney, and Chide. c/o GEARS OF COGNATION LLC.

Billy grave 3/9/2020 10:39am

To today is the frist day That Minecraft is the best Airship is out

Roberto Shelton - 11/14/2019 10:09pm

Job claimed by Billy grave 2020-03-09 10:39:11

We've got another load of spare parts for the Reality Generators in Faulkton, Henderson, Wuppertal, Miyazaki, Lyubertsy, Aastaurmond, Chauxhall, and Pastoria City. Because of the nature of these parts, the actual manifest of delivered items may vary through time, as will the existence of the cities themselves. Ship and Captain must be adept at navigating the edges and holes in maps. Please post resume to this site when claiming job. Our warehouse currently located in Flimsdale, Newark, Metherwaney, and Chide. c/o GEARS OF COGNATION LLC.

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