Strange Katz

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9/12/2019 3:06pm

First Mate Katz, Reporting for duty Captain.

10/16/2019 4:46pm

I found a coffin shaped box with 21 mummified mice, 7 rows of 3, in a room that had disdyakis triacontahedrons, 12 hour clocks, and dream catchers. Should we send the box to them as a gift, to let them know we come in peace? They might be more willing to communicate with us.
This is Strange Katz, Reporting.

6/28/2020 6:56pm

Meow meow mewling mew

7/9/2020 4:03pm

Some of the brightly colored ships seem fascinating, but also a little much, as if they were more for show. I went to get some supplies but it's weird trying to communicate. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do on the ship anymore, but I want to be useful. I burned my wrist the other day and I've been licking the wound. I haven't seen @Captain Jack Fenris for a while though. I wonder where he is...