smiley's warehouse

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carl 5/12/2022 7:59am

ive made it to base 2 but somethings wrong. the crew set up here is gone. no blood no hair nothing. its like they just disappeared.i found the battery's at least. wait i hear something il be back soon. RECORDING ENDED

carl 5/12/2022 7:51am

hello i am Carl the clone of the original captain smiley.i have been sent to fix our energy battery's at base 2 ill be posting my adventures.

carl 5/12/2022 7:49am


Lokis clone 5/12/2022 7:44am

i am Loki's clone. im here to say hello.

Loki F. Rankins 5/12/2022 7:43am

i have been working on a clone machine. and it worked

Seersucker 4/5/2022 8:30pm

GOD was it boring stuck in that travel container. Luckily Sharkskin is an expert in disabling security protocols and picking locks.

So we've busted out! Currently sneaking through the shadows of Smiley's Warehouse, stalking the crew. Herringbone already captured one and put it inside him. Now we'll use it to lure more. There are enough of us that encasing the entire crew should be no problem, and we'll have control of the ship.

Then it's just a matter of finding The Great Drycleaner.

Loki F. Rankins 1/28/2022 5:16am

i will bring you this

Loki F. Rankins 1/28/2022 5:15am


Loki F. Rankins 1/28/2022 5:14am

i take this job

Willie Reed - 1/4/2022 10:53pm

Job claimed by Loki F. Rankins 2022-01-28 05:14:23


Willie Reed here with some really special suits needing speedy delivery to the Tri-Dinsmore area. These suits are vital to the reconstruction efforts, and it's important they arrive with no stains or wrinkles.

The last time we tried transporting our special suits via another air transport network (which I will not name here), the suits were illegally worn by the crew for the entire length of the journey, and arrived covered in oil stains and spaghetti sauce and unacceptably wrinkled.

As a precaution, these special suits are stored within special traveling jackets which are partially sentient and will protect the special inner suits until disabled or run out of power. The traveling jackets are hung within their own special flying wardrobe, which has the appearance of a shipping container but inside holds many amenities to keep the traveling jackets busy, as they have just enough consciousness to get bored and into mischief unless provided with distractions such as foosball, ping pong, and some classic arcade games from the 80s.

The delivery crew may not open the special flying wardrobe in flight, and under no circumstances release the special suits from their traveling jackets.

This delivery can be picked up in the landing fields at the Willie Reed Factory Outlet, 3 Nimsy Parkway, Dresh. Please identify before landing so security protocols can be paused.

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