Zeppelin Zoologica
earliest post first | most recent post firstDidel Fidae 10/13/2024 11:57pm
BARTENDER: Well we get a lot of skunks in here.
MARMIE: And you check all their IDs real good too, I'm sure.
BARTENDER: Hey, I don't have to take this kinda talk from a bunch of Marsupials. Out here in the Skunk Territories, we got our own ways of doing things.
DIDEL: But there's one thing that's understood in all the territories...
*DIDEL slides an envelope across the bar. It's thick with bills. BARTENDER reaches out his paw. DIDEL puts his paw down on the envelope first.*
DIDEL: She's young, and you'd be able to tell she came from money. Possibly in with a few cousins, all about the same age and demographic. Trust fund types.
*BARTENDER takes a sly look around the bar*
BARTENDER: There's a rich hare lives up in the woods. Big fancy house. Has parties that go on for days. Attracts the kind of folks you're describing. Follow the signs for Hanger's Rock.
MARMIE: See, you smarter than you look.
*BARTENDER slides the envelope off the table, still looking nervously around the bar*
Didel Fidae 6/22/2024 11:30pm
NAME: Mephitis, Candy
BACKGROUND: Recent graduate of St. Flower's School for Girls, Sekakwa. Ms. Mephitis graduated at the top of her class from the private school primarily attended by Skunk Confederacy heads of state. Left on "gap year" six months ago, taking the grand tour of the Skunk territories.
LAST KNOWN LOCATION: Stinky's Trough, Putois
NAME: Lemony Mephitis
NAME: Spritz Mephitis
NAME: Carla Mephitis
NAME: Randy Tang
NAME: Flora Sachet
NAME: Madam Miasma
Didel Fidae 3/2/2024 11:38pm
"So they want to send us after a baby skunk?" Marmie said, swirling her martini.
We were at our usual table at Branches, not the fanciest drey in the Opossum Republic, but one that we called home.
"Not just any baby skunk," I said. "This kit's a Mephitis."
"An heir to the Olfactory Conglomerate," added Grinni.
"Why can't they go after it themselves?" asked Marmie.
"Skunk politics. They've got to keep things smelling sweet," I said.
"So the great leaders of the republic want to do them a favor," Grinni said. "And have us solve the problem."
"Quietly," I added.
Marmie finished her drink.
"Well, we can't promise them quietly," she said. "But I guess we can get the job done."
Didel Fidae 11/3/2023 11:56pm
Didel Fidae
Grinni Anapus
Marmie Jaws
Special guest:
Prehen Tailium
CUSTOMS CLERK: I'm sorry madam, but your papers are not in order...
MARMIE: Oh, perhaps what I have here in my breast pocket?
MARMIE: Brass knuckles!
DIDEL: Can't this thing go any faster, Grinni?
GRINNI: Not if you want to stay on this road!
EVERYBODY: Whooooaaaaaaa!!
PREHEN: Quick my friends! Come this way if you want to live!!!!
Now, back to our scansorial story....
Didel Fidae 7/30/2023 10:35pm
Oh, yes! Do come in! Join us! We've heard about you. Taking the grand tour of Captain @weiss' grand menagerie, are you? Well why not join us in a hand? My fellow Impossimen and I were just wishing we had a fourth.
Excuse me? You haven't heard of we Impossimen before? Well I suppose we have been camped out on the Zeppelin Zoologica too long if people have forgotten about us already! Am I right, my Impossimen?
You just have a seat and I'll get you a drink, and tell you about how we first met the captain, way off in the wild frontier of the Opossum Republic...
Ichthy O. Sauria 4/16/2023 7:19pm
Welcome to the Tank Room! So nice to have you! We don't get many visitors down here, since we keep it so warm and so wet. But Captain @weiss is terribly accommodating. Few airships would agree to an aquatic habitat with tanks this large, and it allows us to take part in this voyage of exploration in the comfort we are accustomed to.
Well, I keep saying "we" but really I consumed all the other tank residents quite some time ago.
You haven't got any snacks, have you? Don't be alarmed by my long boney snout and all these teeth. I assure you I have total control, and can even open a sack of crisps with these chompers, if that's what you have with you. Do you?
Hey! Come back! You haven't even seen the stonework around my night nest! Just come take a look over edge of the pool... Don't leave!!
Brixi Fivetoes 1/7/2023 11:55pm
Pssst! Hey! Could you give me a spray?
I slipped out of the captain's aero-terrarium and haven't been able to find my way back, and the air's just been so dry.
Hope you don't mind me just plopping onto your shoulder like this. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Brixi, part of a small colony of sky stars (Ophiura Caelum Sentientis) who were rescued by the captain some months ago. We'd taken up residence on the underbelly of the balloon, behind the gondola, and it really was a lovely set up for some time, following along with the Zeppelin Zoologica on its remarkable adventures. But then some busy body crew member found us back there and had scraped a good number of our colony off into the clouds before the captain heard our plaintive cries and invited the remainder of us to take up residence in his grand aero-terrarium, where we could converse and share our knowledge as the proper explorers we are! Not to mention all the aeroplankton we could eat!
Still, the captain does generally leave our accommodations locked -- more for our own safety than the ship's, the captain assures us -- but, being a student of exploration myself, I just couldn't help but slip out and look around a bit! But I've had trouble finding my way back, and the interior of the ship is rather drying to the skin, don't you think?
So, if you've got a little spray bottle, or even some sparkling water on a hanky... oh yes... yes! That's it! Oooooo I feel my spines refreshing already....
Blergrum 10/15/2022 11:55pm
My that new bigfooted crew member is a sweet slurp of milk let me tell you!
As chief cosmetologist on the Zeppelin Zoologica, I have the pleasure of keeping all the crew looking sharp! Which is a job I am perfectly suited for, being in all appearances a bit fat gelatinous blob that lives to feed off the dirt and particulates and dead skin and worm poop that gets on you. Which is why when you come to my spa on the Zeppelin Zoologica I sit on your head and ooze down between your follicles, then out over your extremities to nibble your nails and your cuticles into submission.
So let me tell you this 8 foot hairy bad boy has been a delight! Days in my spa room and I'm still finding impacted dirt and petrified lice and bacteria the likes of which modern science has ever known. And it is DELICIOUS.
I swear you'll never recognize this hairy beast once I'm through. Well, except for the height... and all the hair... and those big, big feet. But virtually odor free! Except for the naturally occurring musk, which is strong, yet calming to inhale.
nirxrita 8/2/2022 11:05pm
Hi. We're a sentient flock of Minor Pflemergin -- just one of the many pets Captain @weiss keeps aboard. We inhabit the big bell jar on the navigation table. We can fit in here because each of us is really only very small. But we swarm to fill the volume of whatever space we're in.
They say we're good luck to keep next to your navigation station. And it's even more good luck to blow us a kiss. Pick up the bell jar slightly -- just tilt it back a little! -- and then you can blow your kiss inside down below.
Do it! Lift up the jar! Do it now!
Weiss 5/10/2022 1:42pm
After a few months of not working, the communications system is back online. Thanks to the help of the honorable Lieutenant Denkt, the navigations system is online again as well. Without the much-needed help, I probably would have reentered the Bermuda Triangle and circled around in there for even longer than I already have.
As for my log entry before my disappearance, my client in the redwood forests of California was quite a strange fellow. He stood about eight feet high, was covered head to toe in hair, spoke about as well as a two year old and had the largest feet I have ever seen. While I can't be certain, I do belive that he is the elusive "bigfoot" that we have all heard about. After I delivered his massive shoes, he seemed to want to board my ship. After a quick briefing of the Zephyr Air Transport code, a new member of the Zeppelin Zoologica climbed aboard. While his hygiene practices are... very few to say the least, it is nice to have Squatch B. Foot as company aboard the ship, even if he smells like he has never had a bath.
Signing off,
Capt. Weiss