The Unfamiliar Cabbage

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Ma Brines 1/24/2025 11:52pm


Oh, excuse me? I was just feeling peckish again, I've been so hungry lately, Can't seem to think of... anything else...

Anyway, out here on the Western Rim, there ain't much to do. So we're hungry for any news or new information. Anything we hear about is sure to be the talk of the town! And there really hasn't been much talk about anything lately. How can we get people thinking about the big thoughts again? The kinda things that are important back in the Central Cluster? Hungry minds want to know! Heck, seems like we HAVE to know, or we just might shrivel up and die!

Got any tidbits? We won't take much I swear.

Karen Cornflower 9/29/2024 11:35pm

Yes this message is for Quantum Containment, Sector B Subcluster on the Western Rim?

I'd like to report a zombie ship your area--The Unfamiliar Cabbage. Last known coordinates Leafer 5-1-7 Stem 203.541.

We had some, uh, spoiled merchandise onboard that must have escaped its containment housing (we believe it was tampered with) and it may have put the crew into a somewhat mindless state (completely temporary, no doubt).

They're not responding to hails and we're concerned that if they were to go down in a populated area then the effect could spread. Mind Numbing can be highly contagious and we'd hate to see it get out of control.

If that DOES happen, however, we have some ultra-strength FOOD FOR THOUGHT that would be the perfect antidote! And it comes in 50 gallon aerosol dispersal units which would be ideal for just this kind of situation.

So you just let us know!

Karen Cornflower
VP of QA

Karen Cornflower 6/8/2024 11:51pm

The Unfamiliar Cabbage? UNFAMILIAR CABBAGE? Come in, Unfamiliar Cabbage.

This is Karen Cornflower, Vice President of Quality Control at FOOD FOR THOUGHT, and it turns out that shipment you picked up does not meet our, uh, high quality standards. That particular batch has no nutritional value, physically or mentally.

We should have realized as soon as you picked it up, because usually it has a tremendous effect, even just being around it. The true goodness of FOOD FOR THOUGHT can't be held back by any form of food packaging currently known!

But that batch, yeah... that's not even good enough for cows or pets. And it would be quite a reputational hit for the company if it got sold under our name.

So, we'd like to double our fee, and have you bring it right back to our HQ at the top of the Big Oak in Hammersdale. And keep this under your airship cap, alrighty?

Thanks for your understanding.

Karen Cornflower
VP of QA

Me 2/17/2024 12:40pm

I'm getting the first job I see: moving food. Looks simple. I'll start with this.

Me 2/17/2024 12:38pm

I just accepted Zephyr Air Transport. Can't think of anything to say.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - 1/31/2024 12:24am

Job claimed by Me 2024-02-17 12:40:37

Many people across this great subcluster are forced to make their thoughts go hungry.

Or they even STARVE their thoughts!

At FOOD FOR THOUGHT, we seek to alleviate thought hunger everywhere. That's why we created FOOD FOR THOUGHT -- affordable, shelf stable food for every thought, big or small.

We've succeeded incredibly well in our test markets, and are ready to start distribution to Zephyr Qwik Stations up and down the Western Rim.

Would you like to play a role in a dynamic company looking to reinvigorate the throught supply chain from top to bottom?

Apply today! Drop by our HQ at the top of the Big Oak in Hammersdale and start delivering FOOD FOR THOUGHT today!