The FV GlobeRoamer

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Nella Allen 10/3/2024 10:45pm

I had nuts, but never got anywhere. Waltzing around the garden looking for nuts, picking them up and then burying them. I'd unbury them later and pick them back up, looking for nuts, waltzing around the garden. I never got anywhere, but I had nuts.

Seyah Hayes 6/12/2024 11:43pm

I met Miles Selim outside the bank, in our phony security getups. We slipped inside, blending with the crowd, then past the tellers and into the back. The tension was palpable as we approached the vault. The alarm was buzzing in the background but nobody seemed to notice.

We paused by the security panel, and Miles quickly reenabled the alarms. We reached the open vault and walked inside, blending with the crowd once more. We made our way through the crowd and back outside, each going our separate ways in our cheap security uniforms.

Except we had each other's hats.

Zerimar Ramirez 2/21/2024 11:13pm

And that's how everything started running backwards, so long ago at the end of the era of Forward Thinking.

While they may look like delicious candy, consuming Reversochron Crystals has serious side effects, and in this case Little Jimmy Dingles became the Temporal Typhoid Mary responsible for everything that came after. Or, in our case, everything that came before.

But if that's the case, then why haven't we already passed back through the moment where Jimmy took his first backwards bites and reversed the reversal? How do we keep going backwards when we're still going forwards?

This presentation is about a little thing called Frame of Reference. And it starts last week.

Jimmy Dingles 10/24/2023 2:48pm

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.slatsyrC norhcosreveR 42 eht fo tuo 32 reviled ot elba saw I <---

Krenville Lancaster - 10/23/2023 3:45pm

Job claimed by Jimmy Dingles 2023-10-24 14:48:28

Reversochron Crystals. They exist in reverse time, so you need to pick them up at the destination and bring them back to the start. You should pick them up approximately half an hour after they are due to arrive at the destination. Once you have agreed to do it you MUST follow through or this universe's entire timeline will reverse. This will not be a dooG gnihT. Writing backwards will be the least of our worries.