Stratospheric Aerodrome Renoire

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Zephyr Ambulance LTD 10/5/2021 10:25pm

Late Domsday, Peripheral Calendar

Arrived at the last known coordinates of the Stratospheric Aerodrome Renoire. No aerodrome in sight.

Visual reconnaissance of the surface could not confirm wreckage, but low altitude observation was contraindicated due to potential local hostiles. Photographic plates were taken with the M-95 Aerial Eye and are enroute to Zephyr HQ via homing condor for further analysis.

Executing search pattern SPIRAL-V12 until new orders received.

Zasha C. En
Lead Attack Nurse
Emergency Response Unit
Zephyr Ambulance LTD

Harkback Union 8/22/2021 8:27am

Journal of Harbormaster L. Sky

1st entry

Massive cloudwave shook the station last night. Damage to helium condensers C, F, and O. Crew losses minimal. Previous harbormaster missing in action. Now assuming command of the station. Derigible bay off-limits to all visitors until further notice.

Losing altitude due to leaks caused by small arms fire on continent below.

Letter sent to company headquarters requesting funds for repairs.

Harbormaster L. Sky

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