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Sarika 4/21/2020 3:26pm

ill take the job, but only if you kill them too

That Barista - 3/11/2020 9:31pm

Job claimed by Sarika 2020-04-21 15:26:11

Hi! I am That Barista You Thought Was Cute. No, no, no not that one, the one you were too embarrassed to ever flirt with again, after you dropped your entire extra extra extra large latte on to the floor. Needless to say, you made quite the mess, but don't worry I forgive you.

I need my extra special package sent to a sun. Any sun will do, just one that is guaranteed to obliterate my package out of existence.

If it must be known, over my years as a barista the residue of affections and crushes from past customers has really built up. I have packaged it up in an effort to relieve the pressure, but at this point it is just too much and I would like it directly shot into a star.

Of course, I know you might feel a little awkward about this, but I am totally sure that your affections aren't in the package, so don't worry. Anyways...

Lots of love,
That Barista You Thought Was Cute