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starfilly 3/18/2022 11:24pm

so I stowed away on the razorcrest. you wouldn’t believe all the places to hide! anyway this is how I move up and down the ritual trance circuit corridors — by hitching rides and hiding out. hopefully the razorcrest will get back on the circuit soon, but in the meantime at least there’s a hold full of sweet honey bundles for me to eat on the way. oh shhhh do you hear that buzz? i think there’s somebody coming. quick! hide behind these honey bundle bundles!

Biran 3/10/2022 12:07pm

Op. #002

Captain's Log:
I've never liked bees. The feeling is mutual. They hate me too. I reluctantly accepted this job, but money is money. The second I arrive at the loading zone, I have to dodge between dancing bee people. After I got the shipment loaded up, I politely declined the offer to join the dance. I did hire two new crew members, Fred and Zane. I never thought I would like bees, but these guys are great! I might have made some new friends.

Signing off,
-Capt. Biran

starfilly 3/9/2022 8:29pm

oh wow… your ship is like a big shiny toy! did you bring us new trinkets for the dream machine? you do like to dance, don’t you? it’s the quatra-annual northeast trance dance congregation conflagration! and you brought more pretty lights! i know right where that stuff goes. c’mon! this way!

Honey Goodness - 3/5/2022 5:52pm

Job claimed by Biran 2022-03-10 12:07:11

Bundles of Honey Goodness

Hi. I’m Honey Goodness. Perhaps you’ve seen my Sweet Honey Bundles, bundled up in their oily wraps at the checkout counter of your local Zephyr Air Transport Quick Station or other favorite convenience store.

Me and my Big Bee Family work hard to keep the bundles moving, and with the current restrictions on Big Bee movement through controlled airspace, we need reliable air delivery drivers for our most important routes.

Visit our Hive HQ in Industrial City for an application and join our waggle dance today!

Biran 1/4/2022 5:21pm

Razorcrest accepts the job posted by Phil Techno.

An incident occured on day 2 in the westsouth circuit. Biran forgot to put on an earmask, and remained unconsous for 1 hour.

Phil Techno - 11/10/2021 7:38pm

Job claimed by Biran 2022-01-04 17:21:00


Phil Techno here from DDBML INC. We service the ritual trance circuit in the upper northeast, southeast, northsouth and eastsouth corridors. We're looking for dependable transport for our deep soul massage traveling high/low frequency lightshow and surroundsound experience generators to the shows up and down the circuit.

If you've got the space we need, and your crew has their own supply of earmasks and spectrum-protectrum goggles, we'd like to talk. Communicate rhythmically via fibreoptics at this address. JGHJGFwe09235.

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