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Highland Berrysoul 12/4/2020 11:15pm

"Hello? Anybody home?"

I look right up into the camera, or eye-thing or whatever. It's drippy wet and goopy, hanging by tendrils from the ceiling of the porch.

"It is I, Highland Berrysoul, born Prince of the Island of Berrysouls, now a common pauper like yourselves. I would speak to you on this dreary night in the Forest of Secrets!"

The thunder claps, and more rain comes down. I pound on the door again and look up into the eye.

"It's really quite wet and cold out here tonight. If you could spare a warm space by the fire I'd be happy to regale you with stories of my family history on the Island of Berrysouls! It's culture! The very last of our civilization! Truly, a fair trade!"

I might have to settle with just sleeping on the porch.

Grumps Tickler 10/16/2020 11:54pm

Missing packages from your porch?

Experiencing non-delivery? of your ideas and more?

Nosy neighbors nicking your loot right from under your snoot?

Identity thieves picking through your mail and leaving a burning bag of you-know-what on your welcome mat?

Hi, denizens of the Forest Garden. Are you having trouble with your mail not making it to you? Is it almost as if your stoop is haunted? Forest tweakers stealing your stuff?

Then I've got JUST WHAT YOU NEED! It's Grumpy "Grumps" SPY EYE OF KNOWLEDGE!

Just take one SPY EYE OF KNOWLEDGE and afix it to your door frame, portico, or tiny roof and keep an "eye" on what's going down!*

The spying SPY EYE OF KNOWLEDGE sees all, and you'll see it too through easy installation of the Third Eye Security app. Scan while you nap, or ACTIVATE NOTIFICATIONS for real time alerts!

SPY EYES OF KNOWLEDGE are FRESH and will stick to your vestibule veranda for weeks before needing replacement. Use the naturally adhesive root ball and stick it right were you want it** and the spying SPY EYE will SEE ALL!

Order today! You can find me, Gramps Grumpy "Grumps" Tickler holding court behind the big rotted snag with my herd of newts. 9 different colors available! Get your pick of the best of this batch before I need to crawl down in that hole and harvest more.

And tell 'em necessity sent ya.

* see enclosed diagram for proper installation technique
** always make sure the SPY EYE EYE HOLE patented crab's eye lens is focused right where the action is

Mount Angel 9/5/2020 11:45pm

I have one delivery for a Divine Tooth Ache for the Sugar Fairies of the Island of Berrysouls. Can anyone direct me? The toothache is hermetically contained in a crystal vial, safely sealed with packing tape into its styrofoam shipping module. I just need somebody to sign for it. Been waiting at the mouth of the cave near the entrance to the Underground Forest of Secrets for awhile now and can't get anybody to take it. HELLO IN THERE! ANYBODY HOME? If I don't get a signature before sundown it's heading back to the distribution center. Tracking ID# VGhlcmUgaXMgYSBtYXAgdG8gdGhlIGdvbGRhbiBudXQuSSB3YW50IHlvdSB0byBqb2luIG1lIHRvIGZpbmQgaXQ=.

Grimble Grumble 7/27/2020 8:35pm

Any sign of my mushrooms in there, @Vulpes V. Vulpes? I ordered 6 different types of mushrooms. c/o the Forbidden Tree.

I came up from my home, eating, sleeping, drinking my wine. But it was summer and time for mushrooms! So I placed my order with KITForestGarden Co. expecting "free" and "next day" and "contactless curbside pickup" and assuming everything to go smoothly.

So I put on my scarlet tunic, a blue green hood, it looked quite good, and had a big adventure, amidst the grass, fresh air at last, but can't find my mushrooms anywhere.

I contacted KITForestGarden Co. about my order but they transferred me to Zephyr Air Transport, who transferred me to you, @Sheila Thortson. Can you tell me when I can expect to receive my deliveries? Without enlisting all of the denizens of the forest wood?

Vulpes V. Vulpes 6/18/2020 8:36pm

Oh, uh, yeah @Jack Moonfang. I guess all this Belladonna I found with our Digitalis delivery must be for you! Sorry we didn't tell you earlier but we hardly ever check the Underground Forest Neighborhood Forum so it's total luck I saw your post.

Want me to... leave it behind a big rock? You know we're not too comfortable going deep into the forest.

Lemme know!


Jack Moonfang 5/6/2020 9:25pm


Our Belladonna shipment is overdue.

Is there a tracking number? Did it get lost in the air? Did you leave it at the entry to the Underground Forest of Secrets and it was stolen?

How do I report non-delivery?

Sheila Thortson 3/29/2020 6:55am

King Erll,
Better donate!

Sheila Thortson 3/29/2020 6:53am

I will help with anything.

Katz In the Forest - 3/11/2020 9:33pm

Job claimed by Sheila Thortson 2020-03-29 06:53:02

KITForestGarden Co.

We at the Forest Garden grow a lot of things including flowers, herbs, mushrooms, spices, fruit, and other things. There are some shipments that need to go to the Island of Berrysouls. Our Portal that we usually use for shipments to Berrysouls is blocked off until we can fix it. We need some special parts for it.

We have 5 shipments of Belladonna flowers for Wolf pack MoonFang. You will find them in The Underground Forest of Secrets. Please make sure they go directly to their Alpha, Jack.

We also have 2 shipments of purple Digitalis flowers for the family of foxes that live in a cave near the entrance of the Underground Forest.

And last but not least we have 6 shipments of different mushrooms to an unknown at the Forbidden Tree 17 klicks away from the Opal river.

Please accept our job online. Find us in the middle of the Dark Enchanted Forest, behind the nice lady's cottage. Don't let her know what we are doing though. Thank you.

King Erll the 3rd - 3/11/2020 9:29pm

Job claimed by Sheila Thortson 2020-03-29 06:55:51

This Encoded message needs to get from Squirrel Kingdom that need to get to Nutsville:


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